Learn which foods to avoid!
Have you struggled for decades on diets that did not work?
Blaming yourself and beating yourself up, wishing "if only I would have more will power". "If only I could keep it up this time"?
Well, you probably are not alone in that. Those that started 2022 strong, might have given up on their resolutions already, so it hopeless?
After spending hundreds of hours in online research and nutrition studies, I finally figured it out. In this guide I share
7 Steps to Create a healthier plant-based diet
What science says about plant-based eating and health
How to instantly recognize the food to avoid
Claudia Kaldenbach, Health Hacker
On a mission to help vegan women in menopause lose weight, so they feel happier, full energy and more confident.
After turning vegan in 2016, cooking healthy meals to lose weight in a busy life was a puzzle she could not figure out.
When COVID came and her other business went down, she decided to put her health first and figure out what WOULD work.
With renewed insights (evidence-based; scientific proof), she created a new lifestyle and got rid of 40 pounds of which 20 pounds within 2 months. She now is 55 and feeling better than ever before. Her motto:
"The best is yet to come".
Claudia is also a plant-based ambasador, believing it to be the solution for global issues that need to be solved.
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In her Facebookgroup you will find more free resources and training to help you get results in your weight loss journey, so you will no longer doubt yourself.
Join us to break free from frustration and getting no where trying to do it all alone.
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