Het stond laatst in de krant: 50% van de inwoners in Dronten heeft overgewicht.
Wie niet, zou je zeggen
Daar zou ik graag verandering in brengen.
2 jaar geleden behoorde ik daar ook nog bij, tot ik de belissing nam dat ik er klaar mee was.
En dat ik niet op zou geven, om te ontdekken wat er wel zou werken, ook al wist ik nog niet hoe.
Ik kwam er al snel achter dat overgewicht een wereldwijde pandemie was, voordat Covid kwam. En tot mijn verbazing ontdekte ik dat 99% van de dieten niet werken. En jij en ik maar denken, dat wij niet genoeg wilskracht hebben of te weinig discipline.
Nog meer vastbesloten om te ontdekken wat wel RESULTAAT zou geven, ging ik op zoek naar wetenschappelijk bewijs van wat wel zou werken. Ik ging summits van experts en artsen bijwonen, las diverse boeken; dankzij mijn skills in snel lezen kon ik veel informatie snel verwerkene. Ik begon nieuwe inzichten te combineren tot een aanpak om op mijzelf uit te proberen.
Uitgangspunt was een manier van gewichtsverlies dat niet ten koste zou gaan van mijn gezondheid (dus geen rare truukjes) en dat het een levensstijl zou zijn die het jo-jo-effect vermijdt. Wat voor mij inhoudt dat "guilty pleasures" mogelijk blijven, en we niet doorslaan naar een "het moet 100% gezond" want dat kan ook weer issues geven.
Ook al zag ik succesverhalen online van mensen die transformaties hadden bereikt, ik kon nog niet geloven dat het deze keer wel voor mij zou lukken.
De eerste dagen merkte ik al verandering op de weegschaal en vanaf dat moment veranderde hoop in een gevoel van "het lukt", waarna ik redelijk moeiteloos mijn overgewicht kwijt raakte. De fouten die ik heb gemaakt en de hobbels die ik genomen heb, zijn leercurves geweest die ik nu met mijn klanten deel.
Inmiddels heb ik 1:1 en in een Mastermind meerdere vrouwen geholpen gewicht te verliezen: van 6,5 kilo (wilde 1 maatje kleiner, zoals voor de menopauze) tot 21,5 kg (geen issues meer met emotioneel eten).
I struggled for 30 years
You probably think that's a bold claim, and I get you. I did not believe I could do it either, when 2 years ago my life radicaly changed...
I am Claudia Kaldenbach, 55 years (menopausal), busy enterpreneur and happily married. Gave birth to 2 childeren and having an empty nest.
People always labelled me as a positive person, fulll of energy but in the beginning of 2020 I was not feeling so happy anymore. Out of breath when climbing the stairs and lacking energy to start the day.
I have been failing on diets for 30 years, raising the bars of what I thought was an acceptable weight I should not pass.
In fact I was just rationalising it, since I felt hopeless, simply did not know how to turn it around.
Turning vegan in 2016 made me lose 16 pounds, but it all came back. It made me desperate, thinking:
It all turned around when Covid came. I was 53 year old, and I realised I was obese (93 Kg) and at risk. Losing weight was no longer an option but a necessity.
I went on a quest to discover what WOULD work. No more short term fad diets, but motivated for real CHANGE. I attended health summits, invested in courses and books, read lots of scientific articles. Merged several insights and started to apply it
Within days my body started to lose weight, and I felt great! The first 2 months I lost 20 Lbs and the transformation continued.
Now - fast forward - I lost 40 pounds and am back in the body of 25 years ago.People are giving compliments left and right and ask me what I have done.
Since this year I have shared this approach with other women, and they have weight loss results too. More energy and better energy. I made it a mission to help women transform their bodies for health and happiness.
I am here to bring you hope and give you tools to make a change in your struggle too. Please use the free resources I create for you, or if you'd like to speed up your results pick one of the services I have for you.
I would love to brag about your weight loss results
Gain new insights with free resources or 1:1 access to me to speed up the process.
How would you like to get a breakthrough and finally get the scale to move?
In our private Facebook Group there is a weekly training on a specific topic with my best tips. In this app I gathered the best training all in one place.
Now you can keep track on which training you listened to, so you can be sure you don't miss any of the good recources. And best of all: you can even
listen to it while you are offline or you have your phone closed, so it will not take you extra time.
Weekly there is new free content added, like easy recipes and
expert interviews. All organised at one place, ready for you to access.
This app will be priced per year in future. So best time for you to get access is now, while it is free.
Join our intimate community of like-minded women, filled with
daily inspiration during workingdays:
* Expert interviews related to menopause or health
* Get support and give support
* Health hacks
* Weekly Facebook Live training #getyourquestionsanswered
* Weekly Free Recipe
No more struggling alone, ok?
It is so frustrating to struggle all by yourself, not getting the results you want. I have been there too and wished there was someone for me I just could talk to.
I want to be that person for you. Let me help you get clarity by analyzing what is in your way of getting to where you want to be. To make best use of your time with me, I'd love you to fill in a questionaire, so I can analyze what you need to move forward and you can get most of the 15 minutes we will have together.
So there is no selling in this call, just getting clarity and helping you understand the next step for weight loss results. I might even guide you to relevant resources in the group.
Should we think during our call that our mastermind call could be a great fit, we can book another call.
Time is limited, so I can only talk with 5 women a week. If you are motivated to change right now, just unclear on the how, I'd like you to be to book one of these spots.
This system is based upon scientific research and implies natural food and nutrition to help you transform to a lifestyle instead of using a diet to deprive yourself.
This website and my services are for educational purpose only. Always consult with your doctor or specialist, especially if you are using medicin. Because of natural nutrition, your body can improve and so can your bloodvalues. Which might mean your doctor has to review the dosing of your medicin.
2021 Eat For Change Evolution. All Rights Reserved.